Immune to comparison.
One quick way of lowering your own self-esteem is to compare what is inside you with the outside of someone else. Everyone has their worries, but no one’s are identical with ours, and not all concerns are visible from the outside. Even the most glorious façade has its external cracks and internal hollows. Every flaw has its own personality.
The less time we devote to wondering what others are up to, the more time we’ll have to build up our dreams. When our insides and our outsides are working together, we will be focused and only need to look up from building our own lives in order to help someone up who has fallen.
Help me today to focus on my own present. Make me immune to comparison. Let me see every person as a potential source of wisdom and a potential recipient of love. Strengthen my self-esteem and remind me to give my construction-in-progress the aid and respect it requires.