Stronger than doubts.
To those of us who harbor doubts: there is a way. To those who are grieving, tears can heal. To those who are exhausted: do not despair. To those who are afraid: we are braver than we think. To those who have failed: let us show the world what strength and patience can mean.
To those of us who are successful: let us celebrate. To those who do not dare: let us cast off. To those who are longing: let us wish for what we want and need. To those wanting to be loved: let us love. To those who are under pressure: let us remember that it is wiser to cancel than to collapse.
Help me today to discover my inner core and allow my actions to proceed from it. Make me unafraid of silence, solitude and stillness. Remind me to listen to my inner voice and to choose my direction in harmony with it.