Twenty-four hours.
This very day, someone will buy their first bouquet of flowers. This very day, someone will resign to be able to build their dream. This very day, someone’s heart will stop beating. This very day, someone will write their will, out of consideration for their dear ones. This very day, eyes will meet, and someone will fall in love. This very day, someone will take time off to pull themself together.
Twenty-four hours is a generous framework for freedom. One day at a time we can manage to take the leap to uncertainty. One day at a time we can let go of yesterday and of history, to embrace the moment. Step by step, we can tackle challenges for the sake of coming days, and trust in life to bear us forward on its breath.
Help me today to explore whether I need to slow down or speed up. Make me irrepressible in my beliefs and unlimited in releasing things that sink my dream. Remind me to live one day at a time, here and now.