Like pearls.
If we are doubtful that our dream can be fulfilled, all we have to do is take note of nature, because we are a part of nature. Happiness is born as character is built up. Trees endure, standing in place day after day. When we remember our intention and live accordingly, happiness is born.
Each of us has a short tenure on earth. We gleam like pearls. We bob up and down, are pushed onward by the wind to cleaner waters and words of greater truth. The sun whispers our name. The sea lies calm, like hope. Life is ours now. The present is the time when our character is built up. The breeze carries us onward in the present moment.
Help me today to recall that I am stronger and more forceful than I think. Let me use my time wisely and be true to myself as I build my dream. Help me remember that I am a pearl, gleaming because I exist.