Room for all.
We deserve the best. Not out of arrogance, or at anyone else’s expense, but because when we have more than we need, we will have plenty to pass along. We all define “the best” differently, and for that reason there is room for everyone on our earth.
When we grow to new heights, we can inspire others to do the same. When we demonstrate what thriving means, more people will have a sense of what it means to be able to design their own beautiful blossoms. The more space we take, and the more we are creative, the more we will thrive. The brighter our light, the more life around us will grow.
Help me today to honor my own definition of “the best”. When I lose my stature, remind me of how good it feels to stand up tall. When I doubt that I am worthy of taking up space, let me spread my wings, no matter how they are patterned.