The flow of nature.
Mist or sunshine. Rain or wind. Alone or together. Sad or happy. Time spent in nature gives us energy no matter what we are dealing with in our lives. Is it possible that the absence of the proximity and wisdom of nature is causing us to stumble, draining us of energy and making us lose contact with who we are?
Soon the days will be longer, and buds will begin to become part of spring. Still, for a short time more, we can enjoy the darkness, the candlelight, the winter restfulness, the time for reflection, contemplation and nature. With the lungs of the forest and the earth around us, our bodies and souls are recharged, and our map becomes more distinct.
Let me appreciate the way the light falls on the tree trunks, the sky and the sea today. Keep me close to the flow of nature and far from feeling cooped up. Remind me that I am a small but important aspect of the billowing landscape.