A year.
A year seldom turns out as we had anticipated. New opportunities arise; people leave, and circumstances alter. Priorities come into focus, philosophies of life are fine-tuned, and unexplored goals appear. What endures is the knowledge that, whatever the context, we can only live one day at a time.
In the coming year we can make the best of every opportunity we are given. We can bear in mind that we have gifts to give, and that we feel best if we contribute from what we hold closest to our hearts. As life goes on and days shift, we can be open to opportunities that arise when the doors to places we have outgrown close behind us.
Help me to see what is good and honest in the things and people who cross my paths in life. Remind me to make the earth a more beautiful place than it was when I first arrived. Help me to behave as if each day is the last one I will have.